Wednesday 12 December 2012


As I write this, I want to plead with you to give yourself a second chance. Please do. In the midst of the thick darkness that seems to overwhelm you, please you must look up and see the sun rising from the horizon of hope. As the emotional trauma and guilty conscience of what had happened to you or what you happened to, try to weigh you down, I want you to stretch out your weak hand and lay hold on the rope of hope. Don't write yourself off yet.

My friend, even if you were raped by your own father or foster father, even if you were physically abused by your uncle's wife, even if you had committed abortion severally, even if you have killed people when you were a cultist, even if you have indulged in homosexual or lesbianism for greater part of your life, even if you have sexually molested your young sister while she was asleep, even if..., even if..., my dear friend, I want you to know that you can still bounce back and live a meaningful life. Don't be too harsh on yourself.

You can actually come out of any mud you have fallen into. Don't let that betrayal, disappointment or ugly past crush you. I don't know of anyone that has a perfect past. But I know countless men and women that rose from their imperfect past to become outstanding in life. What is their secret? Simple. They learned from their past mistakes, lived wisely in their present and focused with hope on their future.

Till I come your way very soon, I want to ask you: why should you write yourself off? There are 101 reasons why you should write yourself off, give up on your future, accept frustration and die depressed. But I am aware that there are 2 reasons why you should not write yourself off and throw in the towel. 1. The 101 reasons are false. 2. My life is not yet finished.

Be Encouraged.


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