Thursday 7 March 2013


You have no other option than to win the race of life. You must run and run to win. You must in the face of difficulties and challenges of life, choose to win. I know as you run everyday to achieve your dreams, you may stumble and fall, however, you must rise up and keep on pressing on. You must not allow momentary setback to deter you from reaching your purpose. In all situations, always choose to win. When your career or business is been threatened by certain forces, choose to win. When your marriage is at the verge of breaking, choose to win. When malicious men gang up against you because of your success and promotion, I want you to still choose to win. Refuse to accept failure. Refuse to settle for the status quo. Choose to win in every circumstance. When you are tempted to cheat on your spouse, please choose to win. When you are lured to throw decency and integrity to the air and soil your reputation, please firmly choose to win.

There is actually a battle raging over your purpose. There are stumbling blocks scattered all over the places. Life seems unfair sometimes. Hope is usually lost in some situations. There are a lot of things that can make one to cry. This is a rough  world. We experience low moments. We make mistakes. We make wrong choices. We usually give up. We have lots of unanswered questions. We bear burdens. And in the face of all these, many have given up and thrown in the towel and abandoned their sense of purpose. You must not allow that to happen to you.

My dear friend, my encouragement to you this day is that you resolve in advance to always choose to win in every situation. I want you to always see the end result of your perseverance. I want you to continually see beyond the immediate and see the bright and lovely future ahead of you. You must not rule out this future because of what you are passing through right now. I want you to understand that what you are going through now will only make you stronger and wiser. Don't allow it to break you. I want you to treasure this moment and look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I choose to win. I will go on" Yes, choose to win because you have to win. And for the sake of your family and generation, you must win. Till I come your way very soon, I want you to always embrace hope and tenacity and keep on choosing to win in life.

Be encouraged!


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