Sunday 9 December 2012


Everything you will ever need to succeed in life is already in you. You have what it takes to become outstanding in life. You have the life. You have the brain. You have the ideas. You have the will. You have the potentials. All you need to do is to unleash the genius in you. Your duty is to summon the courage to awaken the sleeping giant in you. The wealth you seek is already in you. The breakthrough you are waiting for is already in you. It is you and you alone that must unlock your potentials. There is no luck anywhere. We create our own luck. When you discover who you are, what you have inside you and the boundless opportunities that lie out there for you, you will make all the necessary preparations and take actions, which will ultimately lead to a great luck for you.

I don't want you to spend your life waiting for some lucky breakthroughs or a magic wand. The greatest tragedy in life is for one to seek treasures outside himself. There is a great treasure buried in you. You can decide to mine it or you can leave it buried forever while you go around seeking for a treasure where there is none.

You must make up your mind never to live at the mercy of luck. Don't wait for handouts from people. Don't wait to receive some favours from people. Create your own favour. Be the change you seek. Become the best you can be. Become the architect of your success. You have the key to the treasure that lies in you. Till I come your way very soon, please I encourage you to look inside you and discover the treasure chest that you possess.

Be encouraged.


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